
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Procrastination, Chasing Dreams, & Being Real

I can't sleep tonight.

I have too many thoughts floating around in my head and I need to get them out - even if it's just to a computer screen right now.

I've been feeling overwhelmed by this whole "blog world" lately.  My perfectionism and need to "get it right" have been getting in the way of me just being me.  Sadly, in my effort to publish perfectly polished posts (say that 5 times fast!), I've been procrastinating and writing very sporadically.

My "posts to read" list is also at an all time high - I don't know how I thought I could keep up with so many blogs.  For some reason, I subconsciously think that I need to have read through my whole reader before I write my own post - so every day I put off writing and try and make a dent on that enormous number of unread posts.  And we all know how that goes...

When I started blogging,  I wanted this to be a place where I could save memories.  Where I wrote about the dreams I was chasing, the adventures I was having, the life lessons I was learning.  I wanted to connect with some of the people who inspired me through their writing, and to maybe one day inspire someone else with my words too.

I feel like I've hardly done any of that...

So tonight, I've decided.  No more excuses.  No more procrastinating.

Life isn't perfect and neither am I so I certainly can't expect this blog to be perfect.  Even if I can't post pretty pictures or write more than a few paragraphs, I'm going to start posting more.  Because I want to.  Because I need to.

Even if my reader has over 1,000 unread posts in it right now (please, tell me I'm not the only one),  I'm gonna write something, before I start reading.  Maybe not every day, but definitely more than twice a month.

Even if my dreams are barely getting off the ground - I'm gonna write about them and learn from the flops.  I'm gonna share the adventures while they're still fresh and the lessons while I'm still learning them.

I want this blog to be real and to be me, Jess.  Just Jess.

How do you keep from falling into the perfection trap?  
What dreams are you chasing right now?

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