
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Canada, Part 2

Yikes! I wrote all about the first half of our Canada trip and then forgot about part two for a while.  Well, better late than never :)

Monday morning was a bit overcast so we stuck close to the island.  Doad wandered around in the kayak for a bit.  I don't know what it is, but I just think he looks so sexy in this pic.  :)

He brought me back a pretty flower :)

And The Cuteness tried on Gram's boots.

Later in the day, Doad and I decided to do some 'sploring in the boat.  We saw loons and turtles and muskrats.  And lots of beautiful scenery.  It was so peaceful and wonderful.

Doad also reminded me again how very, very short I am with these pics.  I could barely reach the seat with my toes!

At dinner time we all crammed in the boat to go into town for some pizza and bowling!

The Cuteness beat me.

And then decided to take a quick nap. ;)

Winner got to pick the movie for the night so instead of James Bond, we wrapped up the evening with a little Over the Hedge.  It was even rainier the next day, so we spent the morning on the screened in porch playing Battle of the Sexes.

 Boys won. :/

The time to head home came all to quickly.  We bundled up for a rainy boat ride to shore and packed up the car.

 Of course, we couldn't cross the border without a couple of souvenirs and a picture with a bear...

 ...I'm wearing shorts I promise.

After many much hours on the road and a couple odd sights like this one:

We finally pulled into our own driveway.  Yay!  I was sad our vaca was over, but happy to be home.  Plus we had New Mexico to look forward to.  :)

I love that we were able to enjoy a few days away with our family.  I cherish these moments and am so thankful that we can make these memories together.

So tell me your summer plans? 
Are you going away or staycationing this year?

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